with or without the “s”?
Communication - that’s WITHOUT the “s” please - is the art of passing information from one individual, group or organization to another individual, group or organization. In other words, communication between humans.
Communications, WITH the “s” this time, describes electronic information flow, bits and bytes flashing between machines; telephony, internet, television - so, having got that out of the way…let’s move on:
Communication is the art of passing information from one individual, group or organization to another individual, group or organization. There is nothing new in this. Man has been communicating since he first learnt to mouth “Ugh!” and daub some muddy colors on his cave wall.
It’s only the tools he uses that have changed - and even then, despite the fact that modern communication is digital and instant, when you boil it down to the basics, it’s still the conveyance of ideas and messages in words and pictures, sometimes spoken, sometimes moving; but still…words and pictures.
The objective in modern communication, is to immediately gain the attention of the target audience - individual, group or organization, in such a way that said audience sits up and takes notice…and then ACTS on what he, she or they have been told.
THIS is what effective business communication is all about - attracting attention, and getting a positive reaction: a reaction that directly benefits the source of the message - our client.
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